neděle 21. února 2016

1 day in San Francisco!

Hi guys,

If you follow me on Instagram @dominikafarska, you probably know that I was in California this week :-)

Because my host kids had school winter break, my host parents decided to spend this time in San Francisco, where lives my hm's brother with a family. Friday's 7 hours flight we survived very well. We checked in close to brother's house, in a little town called San Rafael, nearby San Francisco. 

We were with brother's family almost all week. The 1st day we went to Muir Woods National Park, where you can find beautiful tall red trees. It was wonderful! Our kids very enjoyed this trip, cause they were climbing over all trees :-) Other days we were at playgrounds, tree house, in SF or at friends house where kids were catching chickens. I think that the kid's best experience ever - was hunting the chickens! LoL :-) 

Sunday was my day off. So I decided spend this day in SF. Because I don't like traveling on my own, I wrote request on aupair websites if someone can show me the city. And guess what? One girl Lucie answered me :-) We met by the Ferry building in the morning and then started our trip. The 1st stop was Pier 39 with famous sea lions. Then we went to Fishermans Wharfs, through Jefferson Street to Giarari Square. There we visited famous Girardelli chocolate factory and went to through steep Hyde street to famous Lombard Street. Because we wanted to save our legs a little bit we decided for Cable Car tour. OMG that was the funniest experience ever! I really recommend it! Cable Car took us to Market street and there we switched to bus that took us to Alamo square. There we saw beautiful Victorian houses. So and at the end we couldn't miss the most famous bridge ever - the Golden Gate Bridge! Tired, but despite my painful legs I was happy. I came back to the hotel around 8pm. I have to admit, that if I wouldn't have Lucie I would see only 1/3 of the city. It's definitely worth it to explore the city wih someone who knows every pint. :-)

At the end just "Thank you so much Lucie! I really enjoyed the day with you and our glass of wine at your terrace "!  If you would like to know more about my trips and life, please feel free to follow me on Instagram @dominikafarska or @inkaupair!

Xoxo D.

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